Friday, February 15, 2013

The Signs of Low Testosterone [Infographic]

MyMedLab made it simple to know your numbers with a Testosterone panel designed by Dr. Roger Garcia. The same group of tests provides key information for young men banking their numbers and those looking for current levels. Use the information below to determine your risk and create a solid foundation for tracking changes in your health over a lifetime. The more comprehensive your baseline the more valuable it becomes in the future. Testosterone Total Testosterone Free Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Bank Your Personal Hormone Numbers While You're Young [Infographic]

"Taking steps to prepare for the inevitable change is key to good physical and emotional health. My goal is to help young women, like my own daughters, do something for their future that I couldn't do. Knowing our baseline hormone numbers means personalized treatment as we age." Dr. Deleys Brandman

Log in to ask Dr. Brandman a questions.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Oncology Advisor, Edwina Rains Answers Frequently Asked Questions #LiveFAQ

Joplin Oncology Advisor, Edwina Rains joins LiveFAQ to share answers to the frequently asked questions she receives from cancer patients.

The questions she answers are beolow:
Ask your question at

1. I have been diagnosed with cancer, what do I do now?

2. I am so emotional. Sometimes I am depressed and sometimes I think I can't handle this. Is this normal and where do I go for help?

3. Is there any financial help for all the medications I have to take?

4. Can I still do the things I enjoy? (Working, exercise, sex, socializing, etc.)
5. How do I connect with other people that have had the same kind of cancer and treatment that I am going through?
6. How will my appearance be affected and what can I do about it? (Hair loss, weight loss, etc.)
7. What is Chemotherapy? Is it a shot, does it take all day, are all treatments the same?

8. I can't manage this financially. I cannot pay my deductible, co-insurance and out-of-pocket expenses. Is there any help for me?
9. How do I know if my treatments are working?
10. I have pain and nausea and I can't sleep. What should I do? I don't want my healthcare provider to think I am complaining all the time.
11. Is my cancer contagious?
12. Will my health insurance company drop me now that I have cancer?
13. What are my treatment options?

14. Will my insurance cover all of the necessary medical bills?

15. My doctor has ordered blood tests before my next chemotherapy treatment. If i get my blood work done at MyMedLab will they fax the results to my healthcare provider?

16. I worry about my family and their feelings, fears and emotions. Are there resources available to help them?
17. What if I have a question, a problem or I just don't feel right. When should I call my healthcare provider?
18. While I am taking treatment is it okay to be around people who are sick?
19. Are there side effects to Radiation Treatments?
20. What should I do if I want to get a second opinion?

Want to skip to a specific answer, visit and skip to the answer you're looking for,
or ask your own question.

LiveFAQ Hangout Host, Cheryl Lawson

Reading the information on this website, participating in and viewing live and or recorded video discussions does not create a physician-patient relationship.